Instead of talking about another haul, I thought it would be fun to talk about what I have been burning.
Fruit Loops: Yes, I am a bit tardy, I am just now trying this scent! I got a Love, Victoria in copper glitter and orange wax scented in Fruit Loops. I have been burning this scent in my living room for a couple weeks now. I have had a full melt pool, but there is still wax on the sides of the jar, no biggie, just wanted to point that out in case someone was wondering. The scent is fabulous! I get a lot of lemon and lime with the hint of the cereal note. It is super strong and scents our whole living area. I do really like the scent, and it is super strong, just not sure if I would re-order. I would, however, like to compare it to Trix. For some reason with Fruit Loops I get a hint of a cleaner lemon smell that I am not a huge fan of. Beautiful candle, strong scent, maybe just not for me.
Pink Bubblegum Crush: I really wanted to like this one, I love sweet, sugary scents. This one is just not for me. I got it in a 16oz jar and burned it in our bedroom for a couple days, not more than a few hours total. There is just something about it that does not agree with my nose. Honestly, I cannot even describe what it smells like, except sweet. I don't get bubble gum from this one at all, which is what I was hoping for. No worries though, I will be passing it on to another CBV addict to see if it suits her nose!
Berry Blackberry Cobbler: This scent is amazing!! Now I know why Beth likes it so much!!! This is top 5-10 for me for sure! I had it in a 16oz jar and burned the whole thing! Yep, you heard me, the whole thing!! It is really that good. If you like CBV's cobbler scents, this one is no exception, pure excellence!! A great balance of the cobbler scent and yummy ripe blackberries. Now I want to try the Love, Victoria blackberry bake shop candle!! I am loving the blackberry scent and thinking of what I can mix it with. Maybe a lemon for Blackberry Lemonade??? Hmmm.....
Chocolate Raspberry: I have this in a 16oz as well, and have been burning it in the kitchen area. To me this one is just ok. I definitely prefer the Chocolate Strawberry over this one, which is odd because I much prefer raspberry scents to strawberry scents. I feel like I don't get the chocolate in the raspberry combo, but in the strawberry one, the chocolate really shines for me. Earlier today I was burning it and the wick is really off-centered so it is not burning that great. I decided that I would scoop some wax out and put it in the melter. In the melter this scent is much stronger and I like it a lot better than I did in candle form. It amazes me how things can be so different in candle form compared to melting a scent.
Pumpkin Cheesecake: This was a free SS and boy was I excited! I am honestly not much of a melter, but when I get a good free one, I always throw it in to melt. This one is a great creamy pumpkin scent that I am going to get in a candle for Fall. The throw on this sucker is huge and you do get the pumpkin and a creamy note which would be the cheesecake. I am a huge pumpkin fan, and this is the first of CBV's that I have tried. Now, I can't wait to get more pumpkin scents, and cheesecake scents too!!
CAS Lime Crystal Kisses and Frosted Lime Cupcakes: This was my own hair brained idea, named it Lime Extreme and that is pretty accurate. I think that the limes together downs out the cupcake scent, duh, I should have guessed that would happen!! It is not bad, but not a combo I am raving about. I am burning this one in our bedroom and it is a nice strong lime scent, great for Spring.
CAS Carrot Cake Orange Delight and Cream Cheese Frosting: This sounds good, right??? Carrot cake and cream cheese frosting go together like peanut butter and jelly, right?? Not so much for my CAS. I got a horrible scent from this one, can't really describe it, almost like a really strong clove. It sounded good on paper and in my head!! Well, you win some and you loose some with the CAS, and I definitely lost this one! LOL
I think that about sums it up! I will do another blog with my haul from March which is mainly specialty candles! Thanks for reading!
The Candleman Can
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Candles by Victoria Super Bowl Haul Review
This one smells AMAZING!!! This is a new favorite for me, and the gem blue glitter is so beautiful, the pictures really do not do it justice. This one is a perfect blend of banana, coconut, and a hint of the creamy pie scent that goes with it. I really like and want to try the regular Coconut Cream Pie scent now! I highly recommend if you like Victoria's banana scents, get this one!! I will for sure be repurchasing the scent as well as the glitter color! The last one is in the scent Monster Mash, which is a re-order for me and I am pretty sure it is the Platinum glitter. I already loved the scent and the glitter
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I "Heart" Candles by Victoria!
Happy almost Valentine's Day everyone!! Since "Love is in the air," I felt it appropriate that I review my January orders from Candle's By Victoria. Yes, I said orders, 3 to be exact. When I find something I love, I just dive right in. When it comes to candle buying and my love for CBV, I use my favorite motto: "if you like it buy it, if it's on sale buy 2." The problem is, I never sick to the 2 part. Anyway, CBV is a family owned candle making business out of Van, Texas. I am fairly new to CBV, but not the the addiction of candles. I have been a regular "burner" since I was about 18, so at least 15 years now. I have been through all the major big name candle companies and they are all the same. No selection, no customer service, and crappy candles. At CBV, there are over 730 scents to choose from, you can call and speak with the owner, and the candles are AMAZING!! Now, on to the review:
Summer Crush 16oz-- This one has a playdough scent on first sniff. I do smell some fruity-ness underneath but I think that this needs more cure time. I think I can smell the pineapple and the apricot, not sure about the sugar plum. I will update more on this one later.
Simply Delicious 16oz-- I wish I smelled more pear in this one. I definitely smell the vanilla, butter and the brown sugar. It is really yummy!! I will let you all know if the pear becomes more predominant.
Carmen Miranda 16oz-- This is top 10 for me for sure!! I am loving this one so much! This scent does not get enough props in my opinion!! I get the peaches, strawberries and vanilla for sure. This is yumminess!!
Brooke's Delight 16 oz-- Orangey goodness is all I can say! I reminds me of a sweet tart and it makes my mouth water!! Love it!!
Cranapple Cobbler CAS 16oz-- I mixed Cranapple and Graham Cracker Crust trying to dupe the Cranapple Cobbler scent that BBW had last fall. I get the apple and the crust, I wish I got more cranberry. I think this one is ok on cold sniff, but I really think it will be better when burning. I think I am missing some notes from the original, cause it is not that close to me. A nice scent for fall, or anytime for that matter!!
Berry Me Alive 16oz-- OMG, this is an amazing scent. Reminds me of Best Friends without the vanilla note. It reminds me of candy, but I cant think of what kind! I really, really like this one!!
Peach Fuzz CAS 16oz-- Fizzy Peachy goodness!! I think that nesbitta came up with this one and major props to her, it is really good and a perfect scent for spring and summer!!
Breakfast in Vermont 16oz-- Chocolatey bread goodness. Now I know why everyone loves this one so much!! It reminds me of a chocolatey croissant or some other breakfast baked chocolate bread yumminess.
Raspberry Banana Cream 16oz-- This raspberry ROCKS!!! I get a hint of banana and cream too, but man, I am loving the raspberry!! Now I know why Michelle B was raving about the CBV raspberry! Can't wait to get more!
Raspberry Guava 16oz-- This one reminds me of a raspberry wine cooler! Not in a bad way, just a yummy way!!! I really like the guava note in this one. I could bathe in this one for sure!!
Cracker Jacks CAS 16oz-- Created by Tina, a mixture of kettle corn and caramel nut cluster. I love this one. Much, much better than kettle corn on it's own for me. i can't wait to melt this one!!
Dulce de Leche 16oz-- Good, but light. I get creamy vanilla caramel with a tiny hint of spice. Maybe it will be stronger then it is burning.
Blackberry Walnut 16oz-- Completely delicious!! Can't wait to try the Berry Blackberry Cobbler that Beth loves so much! This is a good mix of both berry and walnut. Very nice bakery scent.
Million Dollar Baby 16oz-- All I can say is cakey pineapple goodness. I don't think this one gets enough love!!
Caramelized Pralines 16oz-- Had to find out if it is as good as everyone says! The answer...YES!!! Reminds me of the CAS of cracker jacks so I am curious to smell them burning. I smelled them side my side and they are a lot a like, the CAS has the popcorn note that CP does not have. Very good bakery scent, again!
Watermelon Lemonade CAS 16oz-- I mixed Watermelon and Lovin Lemon to get this combo. I get a stronger watermelon than lemon, and not that much lemon at all really. Maybe when it is burning it will be a more even mix. Not a bad mix though!
Lemon Meringue Pie 16oz-- This is the most accurate pie smell I have ever had the privilege of sniffing!! This is really, really good! You get the lemon, the pie crust and the meringue. AMAZING!!!
Cherry Cobbler 9oz-- Wild cherry with the cobbler note that CBV scents are famous for. I love this one. I had it in the hallway area and it smelled up the whole house. Want this in a bigger candle now!!
Bite Me 9oz-- This is now a top 5 scent for me. I have already ordered a larger size. It smells like fruit punch with carbonation and I love it!! I get cherry, orange and fizz!!
Banana Pancake 9oz-- Not getting much of anything from this one and I had high hopes from this one. I have had it a few weeks now, I will put it away for a bit longer.
Best Friends 9oz-- WOW. That's all I got. If you have not tried this one, you MUST!! This is top 5 for me too and I have ordered a mustard jar already. Berry goodness coming from this baby!!
Pink Cupcake Designer Bowl-- I want this is a 5 gallon bucket!!! This bowl has been going for a week or so now and I am really loving it. I can totally smell it when it is not even lit!!!! Note to self: must get the soap to match!!
Peanut Butter and Jelly 9oz-- This one has been sitting a couple weeks and I think it may need just a touch longer. I definitely smell the grape jelly and a hint of peanut butter, but I get a weird note that i am not sure about. We will see about this one!
Monster Mash 9oz-- Granny Smith pie crust and berries. I really like this one a lot. Already ordered a larger size!!
Singapore Sling 14oz Black Label-- This one is really amazing I think!! It reminds me of lemon meringue pie and lemon pound cake mixed together. I think this one will be amazing when it is burning. So glad that I decided to get this one!!
Lime Extreme CAS 16oz-- I mixed the new Lime Cupcake scent with Lime Crystal Kisses. This definitely has a bite of lime to it!! I love the smell of lime and this one will be perfect for summer!! The lime definitely overpowers the cupcake part, but I am ok with that!!
Carrot Cake Orange Cream Cheese Delight CAS 16oz-- I mixed Carrot Cake Orange Delight and Cream Cheese. Not sure how I feel about this one yet. I want to like it, but I am not getting much from it. I will let it sit a bit longer. Hoping that I did not ruin the scents!!
Nut House Designer Bowl-- Pistachio scents are so good when you can find them, and I am so glad that I did!! This smells just like it is suppose to with the nutty-ness and a hint of cherry. Very good and complex scent in my opinion.
Sugar Corn Pudding Designer Bowl-- I am really happy with this one. I definitely agree that it smells like fresh baked cookies and I can't wait for my family to think that I have been baking!!
Chocolate Strawberry Designer Bowl- Last, but not least, this is a really great mix of chocolate and strawberry. It is super strong and I am enjoying it!!
I know that this was a bit long, I hope that you all enjoyed it and I hope that I have proved my CBV "Love." Thanks for reading!!
Summer Crush 16oz-- This one has a playdough scent on first sniff. I do smell some fruity-ness underneath but I think that this needs more cure time. I think I can smell the pineapple and the apricot, not sure about the sugar plum. I will update more on this one later.
Simply Delicious 16oz-- I wish I smelled more pear in this one. I definitely smell the vanilla, butter and the brown sugar. It is really yummy!! I will let you all know if the pear becomes more predominant.
Carmen Miranda 16oz-- This is top 10 for me for sure!! I am loving this one so much! This scent does not get enough props in my opinion!! I get the peaches, strawberries and vanilla for sure. This is yumminess!!
Brooke's Delight 16 oz-- Orangey goodness is all I can say! I reminds me of a sweet tart and it makes my mouth water!! Love it!!
Cranapple Cobbler CAS 16oz-- I mixed Cranapple and Graham Cracker Crust trying to dupe the Cranapple Cobbler scent that BBW had last fall. I get the apple and the crust, I wish I got more cranberry. I think this one is ok on cold sniff, but I really think it will be better when burning. I think I am missing some notes from the original, cause it is not that close to me. A nice scent for fall, or anytime for that matter!!
Berry Me Alive 16oz-- OMG, this is an amazing scent. Reminds me of Best Friends without the vanilla note. It reminds me of candy, but I cant think of what kind! I really, really like this one!!
Peach Fuzz CAS 16oz-- Fizzy Peachy goodness!! I think that nesbitta came up with this one and major props to her, it is really good and a perfect scent for spring and summer!!
Breakfast in Vermont 16oz-- Chocolatey bread goodness. Now I know why everyone loves this one so much!! It reminds me of a chocolatey croissant or some other breakfast baked chocolate bread yumminess.
Raspberry Banana Cream 16oz-- This raspberry ROCKS!!! I get a hint of banana and cream too, but man, I am loving the raspberry!! Now I know why Michelle B was raving about the CBV raspberry! Can't wait to get more!
Raspberry Guava 16oz-- This one reminds me of a raspberry wine cooler! Not in a bad way, just a yummy way!!! I really like the guava note in this one. I could bathe in this one for sure!!
Cracker Jacks CAS 16oz-- Created by Tina, a mixture of kettle corn and caramel nut cluster. I love this one. Much, much better than kettle corn on it's own for me. i can't wait to melt this one!!
Dulce de Leche 16oz-- Good, but light. I get creamy vanilla caramel with a tiny hint of spice. Maybe it will be stronger then it is burning.
Blackberry Walnut 16oz-- Completely delicious!! Can't wait to try the Berry Blackberry Cobbler that Beth loves so much! This is a good mix of both berry and walnut. Very nice bakery scent.
Million Dollar Baby 16oz-- All I can say is cakey pineapple goodness. I don't think this one gets enough love!!
Caramelized Pralines 16oz-- Had to find out if it is as good as everyone says! The answer...YES!!! Reminds me of the CAS of cracker jacks so I am curious to smell them burning. I smelled them side my side and they are a lot a like, the CAS has the popcorn note that CP does not have. Very good bakery scent, again!
Watermelon Lemonade CAS 16oz-- I mixed Watermelon and Lovin Lemon to get this combo. I get a stronger watermelon than lemon, and not that much lemon at all really. Maybe when it is burning it will be a more even mix. Not a bad mix though!
Lemon Meringue Pie 16oz-- This is the most accurate pie smell I have ever had the privilege of sniffing!! This is really, really good! You get the lemon, the pie crust and the meringue. AMAZING!!!
Cherry Cobbler 9oz-- Wild cherry with the cobbler note that CBV scents are famous for. I love this one. I had it in the hallway area and it smelled up the whole house. Want this in a bigger candle now!!
Bite Me 9oz-- This is now a top 5 scent for me. I have already ordered a larger size. It smells like fruit punch with carbonation and I love it!! I get cherry, orange and fizz!!
Banana Pancake 9oz-- Not getting much of anything from this one and I had high hopes from this one. I have had it a few weeks now, I will put it away for a bit longer.
Best Friends 9oz-- WOW. That's all I got. If you have not tried this one, you MUST!! This is top 5 for me too and I have ordered a mustard jar already. Berry goodness coming from this baby!!
Pink Cupcake Designer Bowl-- I want this is a 5 gallon bucket!!! This bowl has been going for a week or so now and I am really loving it. I can totally smell it when it is not even lit!!!! Note to self: must get the soap to match!!
Peanut Butter and Jelly 9oz-- This one has been sitting a couple weeks and I think it may need just a touch longer. I definitely smell the grape jelly and a hint of peanut butter, but I get a weird note that i am not sure about. We will see about this one!
Monster Mash 9oz-- Granny Smith pie crust and berries. I really like this one a lot. Already ordered a larger size!!
Singapore Sling 14oz Black Label-- This one is really amazing I think!! It reminds me of lemon meringue pie and lemon pound cake mixed together. I think this one will be amazing when it is burning. So glad that I decided to get this one!!
Lime Extreme CAS 16oz-- I mixed the new Lime Cupcake scent with Lime Crystal Kisses. This definitely has a bite of lime to it!! I love the smell of lime and this one will be perfect for summer!! The lime definitely overpowers the cupcake part, but I am ok with that!!
Carrot Cake Orange Cream Cheese Delight CAS 16oz-- I mixed Carrot Cake Orange Delight and Cream Cheese. Not sure how I feel about this one yet. I want to like it, but I am not getting much from it. I will let it sit a bit longer. Hoping that I did not ruin the scents!!
Nut House Designer Bowl-- Pistachio scents are so good when you can find them, and I am so glad that I did!! This smells just like it is suppose to with the nutty-ness and a hint of cherry. Very good and complex scent in my opinion.
Sugar Corn Pudding Designer Bowl-- I am really happy with this one. I definitely agree that it smells like fresh baked cookies and I can't wait for my family to think that I have been baking!!
Chocolate Strawberry Designer Bowl- Last, but not least, this is a really great mix of chocolate and strawberry. It is super strong and I am enjoying it!!
I know that this was a bit long, I hope that you all enjoyed it and I hope that I have proved my CBV "Love." Thanks for reading!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Welcome to my blog!
I finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon! With a $50.00 gift card up for grabs every month from Candles by Victoria, how can I not, right? With as much as I love these candles, I want the world to know about it! I have been burning candles since I was about 18 and I know a lot about different companies and even tried my hand at making my own. Yeah, that sucked. Anyway, here I am with Kettle Corn burning in the background and 22lbs of candles to be delivered next Tuesday. Does it get any better than this??
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